Welcome to Raymond James, Golders Green

Raymond James, Golders Green has been providing expert wealth management and financial planning services for over 20 years. We are seasoned experts in providing long-term financial planning advice for those making Aliyah, serving members of the Jewish community from across the UK.

With both investment management and financial planning services available under one roof, we’re able to take a holistic approach to your financial needs, no matter how complex.

All our clients benefit from a highly personalised service and bespoke advice.

Inflation: The Dog that Barked In The Night?

Sixty years ago, Marshall Nirenberg and Henrich Matthaei began the process of cracking the genetic code. Thanks to their persistence and resilience, today’s scientists developed effective mRNA-based vaccines in record time – saving millions of lives from COVID-19. With the darkest days of the pandemic behind us, investors can also appreciate the resilience of the economy and financial markets and the hopeful prospect of brighter days ahead.

For a free, no obligation conversation regarding Aliyah, please click below

Commonly asked questions about Aliyah

Olim have a ten-year tax break on non-Israel sourced income and capital gains. Additionally, Israel does not have inheritance tax. On the UK side, the tax rules are much more complex when it comes to migrating abroad. Tax is generally applied on UK-situated assets, even if the owner of those assets lives abroad. However, with some smart financial planning, we can often reduce the tax bill for our clients.

The law on who is considered a UK tax resident has changed and there are now very specific rules that define residency. Spending too much time or having too many ties in the UK could cause you to become a UK resident even after making Aliyah – and this might mean you are subject to UK tax on your worldwide assets.

This area is complex – domicile is broadly defined as ‘where you call home’ and if you are considered domiciled in the UK you will still be subject to inheritance tax on your worldwide assets. The aim for UK Olim is therefore to shed UK domicile status.

We advocate that people making Aliyah should diversify their portfolios away from pound sterling. The financial uncertainty of spending money in a different currency from that in which you are earning is not a factor which should be downplayed.

Perhaps the greatest danger to people’s savings is inflation. It creeps in gradually and often escapes unnoticed until it’s too late. An inflation rate of 4% would mean that your money would almost halve in value over the course of 10 years. Assets that provide growth are therefore essential.

Learn more about the
services we provide to make your Aliyah a success

Other considerations to make ahead of Aliyah

Your portfolio

A portfolio for a person living in Israel should have a different composition to that for a UK person.

Protecting your assets

It is important that you consider if your assets are sufficiently protected when moving to Israel.


Changes to inflation can erode the purchasing power of your hard-earned money. Take actions now to protect yourself in the future.

Other practical considerations

The financial aspect of Aliyah is just one area Olim may need advice on. Consider these other additional factors.


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If you would like to start the conversation on Aliyah, please get in touch

Your Portfolio

The composition of a portfolio for a person living in Israel should differ from that of a person living in the UK. While most UK portfolios have a sterling bias, Olehs need to have exposure to a variety of currencies.

Your investment goals will also influence the composition of your portfolio. Do you want your portfolio to generate the most possible income right now, or do you want it to grow for the future?

A successful portfolio for an Oleh would typically include a mix of cash, property, equities/shares, bonds, and infrastructure. It is important to work with a specialist to create a portfolio that is right for you.

Protecting your assets

It is important that you consider if your assets are sufficiently protected when moving to Israel. This is because in the UK you receive Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protection on your savings and investments whereas in Israel there is no equivalent scheme. Some of our solutions go even further than FSCS limits with up to 90% of all invested assets insured under government schemes. This can be highly valuable when moving country because it offers an important layer of security.

Equally, dealing with a UK wealth manager is valuable because you will have the backing of the UK’s vastly superior financial regulation. The UK regulation especially on transparency of charges and means of complaint and compensation, are amongst the best in the world. We generally advise Olim not to leave the safety of that environment and therefore they should keep a UK wealth manager.


Inflation is dangerous for your assets because it affects the real value and purchasing power of your money over time. If inflation is higher than the return on your assets, you will lose wealth in real terms. This is especially important for those at or nearing retirement who are no longer earning a salary to top up their assets. Therefore, we look to invest in assets that have the potential to keep up with or exceed long-term inflation.

Other practical considerations

The financial aspect of Aliyah is just one area Olim may need advice on. You may also be thinking about:

  • Where to live
  • Whether to buy or rent a home
  • Healthcare providers
  • Local banking options
  • The other benefits of making Aliyah

Given our general expertise in Aliyah we can try to answer your questions or put you in touch with the right people to help you.
